



164年来, 十大菠菜靠谱平台培养了在阿拉巴马州和世界各地的社区中成为改变者的男人和女人. 我们的校友忠诚尽责,为医学和科学做出了重要贡献, 教育, 法律与公共服务, 商业与工业, 艺术与人文, 和教会.

今天, 十大菠菜靠谱平台是一个充满活力的家, 动态, 多元化的学生群体准备在他们的职业领域和他们将生活的社区中留下自己的印记. 在过去的15年里, Huntingdon has experienced dramatic enrollment growth in large part due to the creation of new enrollment pipelines 和 new facilities to support additional programs. 学院拥有一支敬业的教师队伍和真诚关心每个学生成功的员工. 虽然美国有很多学院和大学, 我们相信十大菠菜靠谱平台是一个罕见而独特的机构. 

“打造美好人生” has been developed to position Huntingdon to deliver our exceptional value to a broader range of students by further developing areas where the College already enjoys a sustainable competitive advantage. 计划中确定的主题和战略将帮助十大菠菜靠谱平台成长为1,到2023年,我们传统的日间课程的学生人数将达到1000人.

这是十大菠菜靠谱平台的一个激动人心的时代. 和我一起帮助十大菠菜靠谱平台进入下一个卓越的水平,并建立下一代的伟大生活.


J. 卡梅伦西




Huntingdon’s growth during the last decade has been the result primarily of additional cohorts of students participating in NCAA Division III athletics 和 the Huntingdon B和s program. 今天, 学院自豪地赞助了18支NCAA运动队,并肯定了我们在NCAA第三部门的积极参与. 学院计划通过专注于特定的体验式学习项目来实现额外的增长.

Financial aid awards 和 new academic-oriented initiatives will be established to attract prospective students to these program


2018年秋季, Huntingdon will begin recruiting a new cohort of 总统的同伴 who will participate in one of six experiential learning teams in lieu of participation in intercollegiate athletics. These students will enter Huntingdon with a minimum ACT score of 23 和 will commit 10 hours per week to participation in one of the six initial experiential learning teams:

  • 学术同侪辅导小组
  • 取证/辩论队
  • 媒体制作/社交媒体团队
  • 学生科技支援小组
  • 本科生科研团队

总统的同伴 will have numerous opportunities for engagement with their cohort throughout their four-year experience. 这些学生将在选定的机构奖励之外获得可堆叠的奖学金援助, 极大地提高了十大菠菜靠谱平台大学争夺ACT高年级学生的能力.


另一个独特的经济援助/服务学习倡议是十大菠菜靠谱平台大学工作资助计划的创建. 许多校园部门都需要兼职学生来满足我们充满活力的校园生活日益增长的需求. Students participating in one of these campus jobs will commit a minimum of 10 hours per week to their assigned campus department 和 will receive work grant benefits over 和 above financial aid otherwise awarded.


此外,学院将继续投资于不断增长的夏季学术招聘项目. These summer academies bring prospective students to campus 和 increase the overall awareness among high school students of the many academic 和 co-curricular opportunities at 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学. Initial offerings of the Huntingdon Health Sciences Academy 和 Huntingdon Economic 和 Community Development Scholars Program have already proven successful in both exp和ing students’ career mindsets 和 recruiting higher-achieving students to Huntingdon.


除了总统奖学金, 学院将采用团队模式吸引学生参加十大菠菜靠谱平台合奏团, 十大菠菜靠谱平台事工团契, 以及经济和社区发展领导计划. 参加这些项目的学生将有更多的机会从事感兴趣的领域.


Huntingdon will pursue the implementation of selected graduate programs at a time appropriate to the overall SACSCOC accreditation process.


在过去的15年里,更新和改善设施一直是学院的优先事项. Huntingdon will continue to strengthen its physical environment through careful planning; identifying projects that have the greatest impact for the recruitment 和 retention of students. 包括有:

  • 建设或加强运动和/或相关设施,以促进特定群体的增长. 在新创建的W. 小詹姆斯·桑福德. 足球和垒球综合设施,沙排球场在爱丽丝D. 雷诺户外排球中心, 和 the completed Huntingdon B和s Rehearsal Hall are new 和 renovated facilities which have driven increased enrollments in these programs.
  • 加强学院的技术基础设施,以改善宿舍的连通性, 管理网络, 课堂技术, 并为在线学习提供一个内容管理系统.
  • 规划和建造一个校园健康中心,包括一个比赛规模的室内游泳池, 室外游泳池, 24小时可用的心脏设备, 室内步道, 还有室内攀岩墙. 该设施将为体育管理专业的学生提供一个独特的实习环境, 同时为我们的学生提供一个健康中心, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 和邻居.
  • Establishing the Caroline Slawson Campus Commons by converting the original section of the Houghton Memorial 图书馆 into a 24-hour student center for study 和 meeting space.

  • 扩大校园社区,促进学生的独立之旅. 随着入学人数的不断增加, the College will continue to identify 和 secure alternative housing options near the main campus to provide a low cost 和 more flexible alternative to traditional residence hall construction.

  • 利用新收购的物业进行零售. The purchase of neighborhood stalwarts Capitol Book 和 News 和 Richardson’s Pharmacy allow for the College to begin the process of relocating its retail merch和ise sales from the campus interior to a location more conducive to retail sales 和 community awareness, 同时考虑为社区服务的新项目.


“The success of every student is the focus of everything we do” is the mindset of every member of the Huntingdon 教师 和 工作人员. The College will continue to place emphasis on the retention of students by providing programming to meet students where they are 和 to serve them with quality learning experiences. 包括有:

  • 对“有风险”的学生进行早期干预.”
  • 增加学生参与辅导、建议和指导服务.
  • 发展策略性课程以支持学生的成功.
  • 扩大职业识别规划.
  • 二年级实习计划的实施.


学费本身并不能提供任何学院或大学运营所需的所有资源. 自1854年十大菠菜靠谱平台成立以来, friends of the College have made investments in programs 和 facilities to provide the transformational experience our students have enjoyed for more than 164 years. 在接下来的五年里, Huntingdon will continue to strengthen financial resources in order to achieve the established goals of “打造美好人生.”

学院将设法筹集11美元.100万美元的资本捐赠,用于支持主题2中确定的设施. 截至2018年7月,为2美元.已筹集或认捐700万美元用于支持这些设施的改进. Numerous naming opportunities have been identified for friends 和 校友 who are interested in having a space named in their honor or in memory of a loved one.

Huntingdon will finance specific projects that will produce additional tuition revenue in order to offset the debt generated.

The College will continue to encourage all friends 和 校友 to consider gifts to Huntingdon as part of their estate planning.


有关向十大菠菜靠谱平台捐款的更多信息, 请与高级副总裁Anthony Leigh联系,电话:(334)833-4528或 aleigh@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu.
