Application Process

  • ATCAS Applications Open

    July each year

  • ATCAS Application Deadline

    Early Decision deadline December 15; final deadline March 15

  • Interviews

    November-April (by invitation only for qualified applicants)

  • Deposit Deadline

    14 days after receiving acceptance letter

  • Program Orientation

    The week prior to the beginning of classes for the Cohort

  • Classes Begin

    Summer each year

How to Apply

Apply and submit materials through ATCAS. 有关运动训练计划硕士申请过程的问题应直接向詹妮弗·巴拉德:

Apply NowRequest More Info

MAT Application Checklist

Please observe the following checklist to complete your application:

  • 获得你的大学成绩单的学生副本,以帮助你完成在ATCAS网站上申请的课程部分.
  • Create an account and sign in to ATCAS.
  • Review the ATCAS Instructions & FAQs information. Identify school(s) to which you’d like to apply. 
  • Using the ATCAS transcript request form, request official transcripts from each institution you have attended. Complete the form, 将表格提交给所就读院校的注册办公室,并指示他们将表格与您的官方盖章成绩单一起附上. Transcripts must be sent to the ATCAS Transcript Department. ATCAS只接受直接从注册办公室发送的正式成绩单. 由于ATCAS需要时间来验证您的申请,请尽早发送成绩单,并且不少于申请截止日期前四到六周. Send transcripts to:

ATCAS Verification Department
PO Box 1932
Watertown, MA  02471

  • On the ATCAS application, enter all coursework listed on your transcripts, not just the prerequisites. If you do not wish to enter each course, 您可以选择支付由ATCAS提供的专业成绩单输入服务(PTE)费用. 
  • Pay the initial application fee when submitting the ATCAS application.
  • In ATCAS, 确定您计划向其索取推荐信/评估信的三个联系人. 这些联系人中至少有一个必须是注册运动教练(ATC)。.  These evaluations must be submitted through ATCAS, and should attest to your academic ability, work ethic, and potential to be successful in an athletic training program.
  • 在ATCAS中自我报告你的GRE成绩(GRE必须是在最近五年内参加的). 如果您因COVID-19而无法获得检测日期,请联系Dr. Ballard ( 
  • Submit documentation of at least 50 hours of volunteer service, shadowing, or interning with a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC). 您必须在ATCAS中自我报告这些小时数,并上传带有ATC签名的文件来验证您的小时数.  如果您因COVID-19而难以获得50小时的观察, please contact Dr. Ballard (
  • 请确保完整地填写ATCAS申请,并定期检查您的申请. 在ATCAS中标记为“验证”之前,您的申请将不会被考虑入学.  
  • Qualified applicants will be invited for on-campus interviews.  

For assistance with ATCAS issues or questions, please contact: 

ATCAS Customer Service Information
Available Monday through Friday, 9:00-5:00 EST

有关十大菠菜靠谱平台体育训练硕士录取流程的更多信息, please contact:

Jennifer Ballard, PT, DPT, LAT, ATC
Program Director
Huntingdon College Master of Athletic Training Program
(334) 833-4433 

Admission Requirements

  • Earned Baccalaureate degree, majoring in any field, from a regionally accredited institution, prior to beginning the MAT program.
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale).
  • Grade of “C” or better in prerequisite coursework.
  • Prerequisites completed within the past 10 years.

Prerequisite Courses

(Hours refer to semester hours)

  • Biology (4 hr., lecture and lab)
  • Chemistry (4 hr., lecture and lab)
  • Physics (4 hr., lecture and lab)
  • General or Sport Psychology (3 hr.)
  • Human Anatomy (4 hr., lecture and lab)
  • Human Physiology (4 hr., lecture and lab)
  • Exercise Physiology (3 hr.)
  • Kinesiology or Biomechanics (3 hr.)
  • Statistics (3 hr.)
  • Nutrition (3 hr.)

Recommended Courses

  • Medical Terminology
  • Research Design
  • Internship with ATC

Other Requirements

  • 三(3)份评估/推荐信(见ATCAS提交指南). At least one evaluation must come from a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC). 
  • 与注册运动教练(ATC)有50小时的志愿者/影子/实习经验. 小时数必须在ATCAS中自行报告,并且必须上传有ATC签名的小时数文件作为证明文件. 
  • GRE scores self-reported in ATCAS (GRE taken within past 5 years). *任何因COVID-19而难以获得GRE考试日期或满足要求的50小时观察的申请人应联系博士. Ballard ( 
  • 一旦申请在ATCAS中得到验证,合格的申请人将被邀请进行校园面试.
  • Currently, the MAT program is unable to accept international students.

Provisional/Conditional Admission

申请人的本科和/或先决条件课程在申请时正在进行,并将在十大菠菜靠谱平台MAT项目开始之前完成,可能会被提供临时/有条件录取. 任何录取通知都取决于成功完成本科学位(至少3年).(0 GPA)和必修课程(每门必修课程成绩达到C或以上).

Once You Are Admitted

Enrollment Confirmation

被录取的学生将被要求支付不可退还的押金 $300.00 confirming their intention to enroll in the program. 学费将在收到录取通知书后的14天内缴纳. The deposit will be applied toward the first year MAT program fee.

What Happens Next


  1. 学生将被要求在开课前一周参加迎新活动.
  2. During the orientation program, students must show proof of immunizations and/or waivers of immunizations. 
  3. During the orientation program, students will undergo fingerprinting, background testing, and drug testing. 未能完成这些活动和/或无法成功通过这些筛选程序将导致被开除. 
  4. 作为课程的一部分,学生将被要求获得专业救援人员的CPR/AED认证.  
  5. 现场进行HIPAA认证、OSHA培训、血源性病原体培训. 学生必须完成培训并通过所有必要的评估,以满足这一要求. 
  6. Students must show proof of health insurance.
  7. Students must sign an understanding of technical standards (pdf) 并能够展示执行程序的所有必要组成部分的能力.
  8. 学生必须签署一份体育训练学生保密声明.
  9. Contingent upon institutional policies, 学生可能需要在抵达校园之前提供COVID-19阴性检测证明. Students will abide by all federal, state, 以及有关使用口罩的地方法规和机构政策, social distancing, or other infection control measures.
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